9 Best New Personal Finance Podcasts – anesd

Without a doubt, podcasts have to be one of my favorite ways to acquire knowledge. I listen to podcasts pretty much anytime I’m walking around or doing anything that doesn’t involve a ton of mental energy. With the way technology works today, pretty much anybody can become an expert on any topic – all you have to do is spend a little bit of time each day soaking up information from smarter people. Just think about all of the time you spend each day commuting, walking your dog, or doing chores around the house. That’s all time that you can use to become an expert on any subject.

I’ve written in the past about some of my favorite personal finance podcasts, but today, I thought I’d share 9 of the best personal finance podcasts that I’ve discovered over the past few months. These podcasts aren’t all “new” per se, but they are new to me. I think the key thing here is that these are all lesser known podcasts that you won’t find on every single “best of” list. Hopefully, you find this list useful.

In terms of how to listen to your podcasts, I always recommend using an app that allows you to change your listening speed. Put your shows on 1.5x or 2x speed and you’ll be able to listen to a ton more podcasts every single day. I personally use an app called Overcast, which I think is the best podcast app out there. Unfortunately, it’s only available for iOS (as far as I’m aware), but I’m sure there are similar Android apps out there.

Anyway, without further ado, here are 9 of the best personal finance podcasts I’ve started listening to over the past few months. Podcasts are listed in alphabetical order.

Best Personal Finance Podcasts


1. ChooseFI

I’d probably say that this is my favorite podcast of the year and if you can only listen to one podcast on this list, I’d probably go for this one. Like the name suggests, ChooseFI focuses primarily on financial independence and related FI topics. The thing that I really like about ChooseFI is just how deep the hosts get into their topics. A lot of podcasts sort of skim through things in order to keep the episodes short. These guys definitely don’t do that.

My favorite episode so far is probably Episode 9 – Travel Rewards: How To Travel The World For Free. That episode is an amazing deep dive into the world of travel hacking that’s a must listen to for anyone who’s trying to figure out how to get into that world.

Some of my other favorite episodes include:

  • Episode 26 – Physician On Fire
  • Episode 39 – Fiery Millennials
  • Episode 47 – Millennial Revolution
  • Episode 50 – Freedom Is Groovy

There are a ton more episodes that are definitely worth listening to, but this is a great starting point if you’re just getting into this podcast.


2. Docs Outside The Box

Despite being a doctor podcast, Docs Outside The Box actually has information that should be helpful to anyone, regardless of whether you’re a doctor or not. The format of the show is primarily interview-based, with a sprinkling of solo shows. You’ll definitely learn something here, especially if you’re a high-income earner.

Must listen to episodes include:

  • Episode 33 -That 1099 vs W2 Life with Dave Denniston
  • Episode 28 -Financial independence with blogger Physician on Fire
  • Episode 17 – Step Outside The Box With FutureProofMD
  • Episode 11 – Ask Dr. Darko Featuring Katie Brewer
  • Episode 6 – Get A Fair Shake On Wall Street With The White Coat Investor


3. Fire Drill Podcast

Fire Drill Podcast is one of the best new podcasts that you definitely need to have in your listening rotation – and not just because I was a guest on the show. As you can probably tell by their title, they focus on financial independence, but also delve into other topics as well, including side hustling and real estate.

What really differentiates Fire Drill Podcast from other podcasts is the fact that the hosts – Gwen and J – take the time to interview some of the lesser known folks in the personal finance space. The personal finance community is A LOT bigger than we can imagine. It’s great to hear from the really famous personalities, but we’ve all heard their stories before. On Fire Drill Podcast, you’ll most likely hear great stories from people that you might not have even known about.

For sure, you should listen to episode 27, which I was a featured guest on. You can listen to that episode here.

Some other great episodes that you should listen to include:

  • Episode 5 – Travel Hacking On A Budget and Entrepreneurship with MVMT Blog
  • Episode 11 – From Quitting Your Job On A Whim To Six Figures With Millennial Money
  • Episode 14 – Growing An Airbnb Side-Hustle Empire To FI with Zeona McIntyre
  • Episode 21 – How To Create An Amazing Lifestyle On Less – Jillian From Montana Money Adventures
  • Episode 22 – Retiring At 33 After Only Five Years Of Work – Anita At The Power Of Thrift
  • Episode 25 – How Ariana From Points Chaser “Manufacture Spent” $300,000/month

Okay, there are a lot of really good episodes from Fire Drill Podcast. Maybe your best bet is to just listen to them all!


4. Freedom Formula for Physicians Podcast

What’s the deal with my love for doctor podcasts? It’s probably because my wife is a dentist, so we deal with a lot of the same money issues that doctors face, but it’s also probably because doctors face a lot of the same money issues that lawyers and other well-earning professionals face as well.

What makes the Freedom Formula for Physicians Podcast particularly good is the fact that the host is a CFP in real life, so you know that he knows what he’s talking about. I’ve even had the pleasure of meeting Dave at his office earlier this year.

For whatever reason, I can’t find an archive of all of his podcast episodes, so you might need to do a little exploring to find some good episodes for you.


5. Invest Like A Boss

If I were to start up my own podcast, it’d probably end up looking a lot like this one. The hosts for this show are basically some bad ass investors who talk about all the investing platforms they use. Be prepared – these episodes are long, but they’ve got interesting stuff that’s worth listening to.

The thing that I really appreciate about this show is how the hosts actually use the platforms that they talk about. It’s good when people are actually putting their money where their mouth is.

For sure, you should definitely listen to Episode 24, Financial Samurai, Sam Dogen Zero to One.


6. Marriage, Kids, and Money

Marriage, Kids, and Money is another show that is definitely worth adding to your playlist. Even though the show is technically aimed at couples, I think the topics are pretty much universal for anyone. The production quality of the show is terrific – probably one of the best done shows out there – and Andy is a great guy that I’ve had the pleasure to meet in real life.

And, even better, I was a guest on the show back in Episode 35 – Destroying $87k of Student Loans By Avoiding Lifestyle Inflation.

Other episodes that I really enjoyed include:

  • Episode 57 – Featuring J. from Millennial Boss
  • Episode 41 – Featuring Grant from Millennial Money
  • Episode 39 – Featuring Brad from ChooseFI
  • Episode 13 – Featuring Steve from ThinkSaveRetire
  • Episode 7- Make Money On Airbnb


7. Millennial Money Minutes

Grant and Matt host a great podcast designed to help millennials get bite-sized chunks of info about millennial money issues. Most episodes are about 5 minutes long, so it’s something that you can listen to while walking into your office in the morning or when you’re making a cup of coffee.

They’ve also started doing longer interviews with some of the bigger names in the personal finance space as well. I was actually a guest on the show way back when it first started. (Listen to the episode featuring me here).

I definitely recommend listening to:

  • Episode 61: Interview w/J. Money @BudgetsAreSexy
  • Episode 90: Interview w/Bobby @GenYMoneyMan.


8. RV Entrepreneur

Even though this isn’t technically a personal finance podcast per se, I think that they hit enough personal finance topics that I’m okay with including it on this list. The hosts are full-time RVers, which is a lifestyle that I’ve always found really intriguing.

Even if you’re not into the RV lifestyle, this podcast will be useful for anyone thinking about entrepreneurship or just interested in financial independence and alternative living. It’s really a nice, professionally done podcast that just keeps me coming back.

I highly recommend listening to:

  • Episode 34: How Michelle Makes Six Figures From A Blog While Full-Time RVing
  • Episode 38: How To Save Money, Retire Early, and Go RVing with JD Roth.


9. White Coat Investor Podcast

Man, another doctor podcast? I know, but I’m telling you, these doctor podcasts are gold and White Coat Investor talks about topics that I think are useful for anyone – doctor or not. This is a no-nonsense podcast where the White Coat Investor just gets right to business – there’s no wasted time on filler material. If you want information on how to handle your money better, you need to add this podcast to your playlist.

I’m not sure about a favorite episode, so I’d just say listen to all of them if you can. The episodes are about 20 minutes long, so you should be able to get through them pretty quickly.


Bonus Podcast


The Hosting Journey

As an Airbnb host, I absolutely love podcasts that talk about how to be a successful Airbnb host. Evelyn Badia is one of the bigger names in the Airbnb space and she just released a new podcast that I think is great. If you’re an Airbnb host, you definitely need to be listening to this one.


In terms of more established podcasts, I’m still listening to the following regularly:

  • Radical Personal Finance
  • Sound Investing w/Paul Merriman
  • Stacking Benjamins
  • Afford Anything
  • Get Paid For Your Pad
  • The Rideshare Guy Podcast
  • Money Peach
  • Financial Independence Podcast


Obviously, there are a lot of podcasts out there – you’re not going to be able to listen to every single one. Pick a few that sound interesting to you and see what you think.

So that’s my list of best personal finance podcasts that I’ve recently discovered. I hope you find the list helpful.

Let me know if you have any suggestions for newer or lesser known podcasts that I may have missed.  I’m always looking for more great stuff to listen to!

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